Embrace It with Lainie & Estela - Smashing Disability Stigmas

Embrace It: Episode 59 Cori Fischer - Finding Strength in Struggles

Season 2 Episode 59

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What if an initial misdiagnosis at the age of 13 led you down a winding path of medical challenges and remarkable resilience? This episode features Cori Fischer, a longtime member of our Trend-Able community, who reveals her incredible journey from being incorrectly diagnosed with dystonia to uncovering the true cause of her symptoms—a tethered spinal cord. Cori takes us through her experiences with multiple surgeries, and recoveries, and shares the profound emotional and physical toll that came with waking up with minimal sensation and movement from the waist down. 

Cori's story is not just one of medical challenges but also a testament to her unwavering determination and advocacy. Transitioning from a college freshman to an occupational therapy (OT) student, Cori faced the life-altering challenge of adapting to life in a wheelchair after 14 surgeries. With the incredible support of her family, especially her sister, she overcame significant obstacles to return to school and pursue her aspirations. Cori’s unique perspective as an OT in a wheelchair allows her to deeply connect with her patients, offering them comfort and inspiration through her lived experience.

This heartfelt conversation also delves into the valuable lessons Cori has learned about resilience, support systems, and the importance of community. She emphasizes embracing imperfections, recognizing the value of mentors, and finding strength in others' struggles. Tune in to be inspired by Cori’s journey and the profound impact of sharing and learning from each other’s stories.

Hosted by Lainie Ishbia and Estela Lugo.

Embrace It is produced by Launchpad 516 Studios.

For sponsorships and media inquiries, drop an email to: embraceit@lp516.com

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Embrace it series, where women with all types of disabilities can be real, resourceful and stylish. With each episode, you'll walk or roll away with everyday tips, life hacks and success stories from community leaders and influencers. So take off your leg braces and stay a while with Lainey and Estella.

Speaker 2:

Hi, I'm Lainey and I have CMT, and I'm Estella and I also have CMT, a neuromuscular disorder affecting approximately 2.6 million people worldwide, that's as many as MS.

Speaker 3:

We believe disabilities should never get in the way of looking or feeling good. Both of us wear leg braces and have learned through our own personal journeys to embrace it Brought to you by Launchpad 516 Studios.

Speaker 2:

Each episode is designed to challenge your own stigmas and beliefs around disability. We want our listeners to get the most value for their time spent with us, so we interview some of the most empowering disability badasses in the world. Through storytelling, personal experiences and tips, we're all reminded of our own strengths and endless potential.

Speaker 3:

For more information and exclusive resources, check out our websites at trend-ablecom and hnf-cureorg, and don't forget to hit the subscribe button for future episodes and special promos. Hi everyone, Hi everyone who's out there listening, wherever you are. You know, I know we say it every time we have a guest on, because all of our guests have been so awesome and each one of them is really amazing and inspiring in different ways, and educational and thoughtful and whatever. But today's is especially all of that for me personally, because today's guest is actually someone who works with me every single day and has been part of our Embrace it and Trendable community. Trendable started now it's been six years of Trendable, Trendable website and whatnot but about four and a half years ago, our guest today.

Speaker 3:

Her name is Corey Fisher. Her mother actually found me somehow on the internet or on Facebook because I was talking about shoes for people who wear leg braces AFOs. At the time, Corey was in leg braces, obviously, or was starting them, I don't remember. We're going to let her tell all that, but her mom was like hey, I love your website, whatnot? My daughter, Corey, has something. We don't know what it is yet. She then passed Corey on to me.

Speaker 3:

I, Corey and I interacted and it ended up that Corey became an intern for me while she was going through occupational well at the time, actually, you weren't even in, she wasn't even in occupational school, she was still in college, undergrad and then she stayed with me and throughout all of that she got a degree which I'm going to tell you, she's going to tell you guys about, in occupational therapy. She's still today working and part of our trendable team. It's only me and her. So, with that said, I'm going to now introduce Corey Fisher, who has an unreal, unbelievable story, and I think you guys should all grab a cup of coffee. Maybe I should take a breath because I'm just so excited.

Speaker 3:

And Corey welcome to the Embrace it podcast.

Speaker 5:

Hi everyone, Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here. I can't believe I've been interning for Laney for over four and a half years now. It's crazy.

Speaker 3:

I need to stop you one point, because this one is really important. I, every single day, I mean I have told my husband every single day to Corey and I interact, which is a lot. I've said, oh my God, Corey is having another surgery, oh my God, Corey's in the hospital again. Oh my God, this poor girl. And I think about the fact that you're my own child's age, my oldest child, who now goes by Will. You're the same age and every time I'm like, oh last, like I think it was a couple of weeks ago my husband, Howard, said to me Lainey, why don't you have Corey on the podcast? I'm like, oh my God, Like'm like what.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, exactly, if you grew up in the 80s it would be like duh, hey, right there. I'm like, oh my God, why didn't it occur to me? I'm like stunned, every time I talk to Corey that she's still smiling and still talking and still positive. So I'm sorry to interrupt you, corey, but that's like a very important point. So thank you so much for introducing me to my own.

Speaker 5:

No, thank you. So, like Lainey had said, yeah, so I have been with her for over four and a half years now. I started with her as a freshman in college and now I actually just passed my boards and officially an occupational therapist. Yay, yay, super exciting. Yes, I'm hoping to move to Chicago, so we'll see to start my career.

Speaker 5:

So, to tell you a little bit about myself before we get into my full story, so when I was 13, back in 2013, I was diagnosed with what we thought was a movement disorder called dystonia. But flash forward actually to summer of 2022, we actually found out that I had a tethered spinal cord which was causing all of my issues with spasticity, the abnormal movements, the clonus, the tremors, and so I had surgery back in 2022 of the summer to release my tethered spinal cord. And I also had a selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery, which is where they go in and cut your sensory nerves in your spine, because that's what caused spasticity and because of how long I had had the tethered cord, for I had a lot of spasticity and so they did that surgery, for I had a lot of spasticity and so they did that surgery along with the tethered cord, but unfortunately, because of how long this went for, I also had to have a baclofen pump placed because I was still having crazy spasticity after that.

Speaker 2:

And a baclofen pump is basically. It's just dispersing a pain reliever into your system.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, so actually it was dispersing baclofen which is a muscle relaxer to help with spasticity? Okay, yeah, so, but unfortunately, when I woke up from my the tethered cord and the SDR surgery, I really had very minimal sensation and very little movement from my waist down, which I was not expecting at all. I had already had some issues with movement on my left side because of some previous nerve damage, so that one was already not moving great. But then to wake up and not have both of them and very little movement, that was terrifying.

Speaker 2:

I can only imagine. And do they know what caused this? Because you say like a tethered spinal cord. Is that something that can happen from birth? Is it genetic? Is it like injury? Is it from like?

Speaker 5:

an injury. How does that?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

Yeah, so when I was little I was diagnosed actually with what they thought was cerebral palsy.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I didn't know that, I never knew that.

Speaker 5:

Okay, yeah, I went on, though, to be a competitive gymnast, played soccer Like I really didn't have any issues, um, but then really it was when I hit puberty. Honestly, um is when everything kind of turned for the worst, so they don't know. If, you know, typically they find the tethered spinal cord at puberty Um, it's typically when they find it, so they don't know if I was born with it or if it occurred at. Puberty is typically when they find it, so they don't know if I was born with it or if it occurred at puberty, because typically occurs when you start to grow, because that's when the spinal cord touches, so they can see it better. But unfortunately, no one found it until about 11 years later. So it's very frustrating.

Speaker 3:

I mean I remember your mom, like you know, as a parent. I was like, oh my God, like you know, I didn't mom, like you know, as a parent. I was like, oh my god, like you know, I didn't even know you really yet and I remember like feeling like, oh my god, and that was like way before. I mean I, how many surgeries have you had for you? I've had four.

Speaker 5:

I've just had my 14th, which is wow, crazy wow, and you know, how many it's been about over 10 years.

Speaker 3:

And people are listening. Okay, I mean you're you're listening and you know many of the people who are listening have disabilities of your own. You know, currently my husband has a temporary disability and it's like, like a lot of people, you know, it's hard every day to like get up and feel okay, let alone when you're not feeling okay, when you're in pain but then also to have like to not be depressed. To that I am telling you that, corey. I'm sure, corey, when you talk to me, I'm sure there are days when you're like like, I'm sure that not every day you're smiling, but for the most part, I have never met a person in general who is as like positive and yet like real.

Speaker 3:

When I text you the other last week you had had another procedure and I'm like, how are you doing? I mean, it's like you feel like a broken record, right, and you know you are honest. You're like, how are you doing? I mean, it's like you feel like a broken record, right, and you were honest. You're like, not so great, but yet you're like you're. It's just unbelievable to me. It's because it's not in a like I'm feeling sorry for myself way, it's like in a very like, just matter of fact, you know and like. How do you, after having most of your now adult life? Well, and childhood, older childhood, adolescence has been from going from being able to walk to being in leg braces to then using a walker. You wrote an article for Trendable back in our early days. You wrote a story and it was all about like top things you use and one of them was like a cane.

Speaker 5:

It was like you weren't using crutches yeah, they were like the smart crutches, the forearm crutches and then at times now, are you using a wheelchair full-time? Yes, I'm full-time because unfortunately I really don't have. I have some movement in my right foot, but other than that I don't have much movement below my waist.

Speaker 2:

And when did your decision to go into OT happen? Was that something you were always interested in, or was it really more you know, an organic thing that happened as you were having these surgeries, you were more exposed to this profession. Yeah, it really started.

Speaker 5:

I see my passion for OT really started when I was in rehab. I was in rehab a lot and I saw just how passionate they were about their job, how helping others just, and how we, as OTs, we're the ones that make things work, no matter the obstacle. And so, you know, even with my surgeries like after I had my spinal cord surgeries you know I was in the hospital from August to November and which was a long time. You know I was supposed to be doing my clinicals but instead I was in the hospital. Instead of being trained as the OT, I was training how to do all of these things.

Speaker 3:

Time to you had, I mean, a kitchen. You know, I, as I said before, you're the same age as my eldest child, who was going through college and you know, picking their major, and that's what you were doing and you were, like, you know, living on a college campus and then all of a sudden, then you're at this hospital and then your mom is busy trying taking you to all these places to to help figure out what you have and what it was, and you're still smiling and doing your college job. And you also had a younger sister, cause I remember at one point your younger sister, lex, yeah, filled in for a minute. Yes, she did For me, for you to help me. Um, for it, just for people listening. Um, to help me. Um, for it, just for people listening.

Speaker 3:

Um, corey helps me with Instagram, because I cannot handle more. I do all my own posting, my own writing. Corey helps me by like engaging with people on Instagram a lot, because I just don't, I'm like, I just don't want another thing and um, so Corey has been a big help with that. But your sister was filling in and your sister's already graduated, like, she's like, right, getting ready to start her life too, right, and she is.

Speaker 5:

So she's actually in physical therapy school. So she has two more years. She's in grad school, but, yeah, she's completing physical therapy school, so it's kind of funny that I went to ot, she went into pt. I'm 24 years old. I've had 14 surgeries, um I you know, my greatest hope is to share my journey and experiences with advocacy and really the movement that not only affected my physical ability to move, but also how a movement whether like positive or negative, or which direction we choose to go can really change and affect how we think about our circumstances in life. And we all have circumstances in our life that we cannot control. They can be big or small, but it's what we do with those circumstances and how we move forward, or whichever movement we choose to go, that really governs our lives and the opportunities given to us. So our circumstances really can be changed by the movement we choose to go. And so that was something.

Speaker 5:

Honestly, I did think about a lot, especially with these last surgeries when I was in the hospital back in 2022, august through November just because I was alone a lot and was in the hospital. And what else are you going to do when you're in a hospital room is just think. And I had people tell me, like you know, you don't have to go back to school. You know, I was just about, I was finishing my grad school. I was supposed to be in clinicals but, like I said before, instead of being the OT student in training, I was being the patient, right, yeah. And so, like I said, they had said you know, you don't have to go back. This is a lot to deal with. And I was still learning how to do a lot of the basic tasks from a wheelchair level, like pulling up your pants from a wheelchair, transferring onto the toilet, transferring in the car, like all those basic things I was still learning how to do.

Speaker 5:

And, um, but the more I thought about it, I was kind of like, okay, if I don't go back, like what am I showing people who I'm going to be working with? What am I showing my future patients? Because these are, these are the things they're going to be dealing with, right, and as an OT, we're all about making things works and adapting to our best ability to be able to achieve the accomplishments that our patients want to be able to achieve. And so I knew I needed to go back because I was like I'm not just going to stop, like what am I going to do? And so that's what I did. I went back to school and I'm not going to sugarcoat it, though it was very, very difficult. Um, cause I only I had only been in a wheelchair at that point for five months, which sounds like a lot, but when you're learning how to do all those things, yeah, we're going to get your level.

Speaker 5:

It's not a lot and there was still a lot to learn, but I really had the most amazing friends there who were there for me to help me adjust when I was at school, because I went back in January. So I came back home in November and went back to school in January and my sister which was a blessing also ended up at the same school as me. So that was amazing because she, you know, at that point I couldn't drive so she could help me get to places too. And it ended up working out that where I had rehabbed after my surgeries my spinal surgeries I actually got a clinical this past summer with, which was just amazing and a full circle moment, because from going from patient in the same hospital to now treating the patient I had I had done a year ago, that was just. It was a very neat experience and just very amazing.

Speaker 2:

I can. I can only imagine, like how a patient just coming into an OT clinic not expecting to see a therapist in a wheelchair themselves how relieving that must be and how much you're able to connect on such a deeper level with the patients that you're treating Like. What was that? What has that reaction been? And you know that dynamic, yeah it was.

Speaker 5:

It was very special. You know I I had kind of thought it before I started my clinical, like okay, I want to make such a difference in these patients lives and but then actually getting to do it, it was. It was nothing like I can really explain, you know, just these patients really trusting me and just asking me opinions on things that really you wouldn't ask an OT, but because I was in a chair they felt comfortable with asking me which and I'm very happy to talk about my story too that was another thing a lot of patients would ask me. I'm like I'm not gonna hide it, so if you want to ask about it, you're more than welcome to.

Speaker 5:

I think one of the things that sticks out the most was one patient was having a really difficult time. You know, he'd been in and out of the hospital, he was in a wheelchair and he was really upset, he was crying and he told me, you know, typically when he's upset he goes and hides and he goes and hides in his office. He just shuts the door, he doesn't let anyone in. And I think what was really special was he thanked me for opening the door and coming into his office because he was having a really rough time and I told him, you know, we all have rough times and it's okay to let it out, it's healthy to let it out, and so he thanked me for coming into his office, which was just that was a really special and just a cool, cool moment.

Speaker 3:

Corey, like for myself too, you know, and like everyone who's listening, like how, how does? Like when you have that moment, I hear you about attitude, you know, obviously, you know I post all about this, right, it's a different thing to know it and then to live it. And it's very easy for me as a person, you know I have, obviously, I have disabilities. I, I, um, and I sometimes downplay my own disabilities because I, I do struggle.

Speaker 3:

Like yesterday I, my husband, had a surgery and I could not open the ice bag. I couldn't even like even attempt to open the ice bag and he was like asleep. So, like I felt like oh my God, like wow, I really am. Like I'm like, oh, I have a disability, but then I'm like, wait, I like cannot do this, I physically cannot do this. I need to find someone who can help me to do this. And for a moment, you know, I felt bad for myself and I'm like, oh, but then you know he has a temporary disability, right, and he, a lot of people who I have, who are in accidents, have surgeries that are, they feel very sorry for themselves. It's hard to like motivate. You know you have those moments, right, and even though you know the attitude.

Speaker 3:

You know that, like, thinking and doing can change everything. Like, can you explain what you do? Is there something that, like you, do to help you get out of feeling sorry for yourself?

Speaker 5:

I wish I could. I honestly I think it's my support system. I have a really amazing support system. Like I, my parents are really amazing, my sister's really amazing. My grandparents sport system. Like I, my parents are really amazing, my sister's really amazing. My grandparents and I've had the most amazing physicians. To two of them um have been I shouldn't say two, there's been more than two Um but my physical medicine and rehab position honestly has been there for me every step of the way. Um, I met him when I was 12 or 13. And I still see him to this day and he was the one that really helped us figure out what was going on. But he's always been an amazing support system for me and just cheering me on, and he's actually the one that wrote me a recommendation letter to go to OT school. He's one of the reasons I wanted to go to OT school. So just knowing that I have people in my corner too really helps and knowing that I have every reason to get upset if I need to. No, we're allowed to.

Speaker 2:

We're all dealing with different situations and I think sometimes we downplay them or sometimes we do over exaggerate, but we're all having difficult situations and they all have significance over exaggerate, but we're all having difficult situations and they all have significance, because I think sometimes the pressure to stay positive and not let the people around you who love you and are helping care for you maybe in that moment, not to make them feel you know worse by by letting yourself feel sad and letting yourself have that outlet and those emotions, so I definitely can't agree more and whether that's a therapist or you know fellow patients that can relate to what you're going through advocacy, things like that I think that support system just is such a important foundation for anyone going through any kind of disability challenge in their life. We'll be right back.

Speaker 6:

This is George, fred and Jason, the co-leaders of Speak, interrupting to say that we hope you're enjoying this episode, but please make sure to check out our new show, the Speak Podcast, another great show produced by Launchpad 516 Studios. New episodes available every week on all of your favorite podcast platforms.

Speaker 4:

Each Speak Talk is about six to 10 minutes in length, and the talks are given in storytelling format. There are three key moments in each Speak Talk the moment of truth, the moment of transformation and the moment of impact, given in storytelling format. There are three key moments in each Speak Talk the moment of truth, the moment of transformation and the moment of impact. We host pop-up events all over the world, and now we're bringing our talks to your device.

Speaker 6:

Join us on the Speak Podcast as our speakers step onto the stage and into the spotlight with impactful ideas and stories.

Speaker 1:

We'll let you get back to the show you were listening to stage and into the spotlight with impactful ideas and stories. We'll let you get back to the show you were listening to. Another great podcast from Launchpad 516 Studios.

Speaker 2:

You're tuning in to Embrace it with Lainey Anastella, brought to you by Launchpad 516 Studios. And speaking of challenges you spoke recently about I think it was like in front of 2000 people about like how to you know what the life lessons you've learned so far through the course of your experience and now as an OT, can you share a few of those with us?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, so I spoke at my high school graduation, which sounds crazy, cause that was a long time Wow so.

Speaker 5:

I spoke at my high school graduation, which sounds crazy because that was a long time. Seems like just yesterday, but it was a while ago, yeah. So there were five lessons that I gave at my high school graduation. The first one was do not wait for the perfect moment to pursue or try something new, because it may never exist and this is definitely still. These are all still very true. I don't think they'll ever expire, you know, especially because we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow.

Speaker 5:

You never know what's going to happen and you know, even I regret, like even before my spinal surgeries, like I had no idea that I wouldn't be able to walk, really you know, have the movement or the sensation that I did before.

Speaker 5:

And so even you know just taking the simple things for granted, like being able to ride a bike or taking a walk outside, just those simple daily things that you know you've, you take for granted truly.

Speaker 5:

But when you have things like this happen to you, you really realize what's important in life and what's significant and what's not. I remember I used to get you know when you're a teenage, 13 year old girl. You just, you know you get upset about, you know, gossip or like what to wear or like all that stuff, and then you realize what's actually important in life. Like all that stuff, and then you realize what's actually important in life and I think that's something to like, as I had dealt with it at such a young age, like everything started when I was 13, right, and you know middle school time, and I feel like I definitely you know, probably lost my friends and stuff just because I was going through such a different time than most at that age. You know most are caring about what am I going to wear at a party or when am I going to date, you know all that stuff where I was just dealing with trying to walk.

Speaker 3:

So I think, yeah, Corey, I'm like, so I'm dying to hear the other ones, because I don't even know what you said at your graduation, but what you just said I think is really important. Like you know because I related also to just loss in general like you were experiencing losses after loss, after loss, and you know not just the physical stuff of not being able to walk and now needing this tool and this mobility, but the loss of, like childhood, and going into being in a dorm and being able to and your mom had losses of you know having you know a child who is in college and having like an easy time and being able to be an empty nester without you know having to.

Speaker 3:

You know be with your not that I don't want to be with my own kids, but, like you know, beginning that experience but she needs to always focus, and your parents and your sister, on you know, your stuff and I, why am I? Oh, I know what my point was. Is that lesson of focusing on what you can do is like what you do have you? Know, like you're so I mean it must be annoying to hear you're so lucky to have this family. But really, corey, you are like I mean not.

Speaker 3:

I mean it's like. I mean I know, you know that and I'm. You must be expressing that all the time to them, because people can't go on being like doing what they're doing without a kid who's like you. I mean, I wouldn't have been a kid like you. That's such a really valuable thing to think about is like the lost part and also, I know, like losing a parent myself. You know people are all there in the beginning, but you find out who your real people are. You know when it's a year later, or or you know in Jewish tradition you held a shiva for eight days. The people who are there for you after that time period, like those, are your people and you had to learn that lesson earlier than most people that you know. It doesn't matter how big your support system is. It's really the quality over the quantity.

Speaker 5:

What's number?

Speaker 3:

two I'm so sorry.

Speaker 5:

Lesson number two is always look for unforeseen teachers, and this is what I think that really really helps me too. Like I had said, I had the most amazing PM&R physician who is one of my biggest role models, just because of how he's never given up on me and is always there, even if it's not all medical, even if it's just you know, hey, how's it going Like, how's life, you know. And even when I was in the hospital, other patients I think are one of our biggest teachers, just because you don't have to look far to see that there's many others worse off than you. And I know we had said, everyone goes through difficult times, everyone has their difficulties, their stories, but when you think you're going through something really hard and then the patient living in the room next to you is going through something even harder, it does make you shift your perspective.

Speaker 5:

And even when I was in the hospital, actually my neurosurgeon, which he was amazing, incredible too, he's one of I think of him as a mentor too, and incredible and amazing person and he's been there for me every step of the way. He actually, while I was in the hospital, invited me to sit on his nonprofit board called SMURF. It's Student Mentorship, education, research Fellowship as a patient advocate, and it really focuses on diversity, equity and inclusion in the field of neurosurgery and it's a really awesome nonprofit. That's just getting started, but it was another part of moving forward for me and being able to be a patient advocate for those who may be going through something similar to I did, where we didn't find the answers till 10 years later and I was dealing with all this stuff, which is very, you know, frustrating and hard. But now I get to be patient advocate for and help patients out, which has been a really a really cool experience too. So always looking for mentors and experiences and opportunities when you least expect it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love that because every guest we have on our show is a teacher. We're constantly just. Everyone has their unique stories and how they navigated their challenges and it's just I. I love that element of just being connected with community. Okay, what? What's number?

Speaker 5:

three If anyone wants to check out smurforg sorry, it's very cool we will put the link in the show notes. So lesson number three was so many of us try to project an image of perfection, but we are all imperfect and all have challenges, and that's kind of what I was saying before. Striving for perfection is a path to failure, because we often do learn the most from our mistakes, and often those that take the biggest risks, even if they do fail, they enjoy the most reward, and a lot of times failing doesn't mean giving up. It just means you have to get back up and try again, and so this was actually from my speech If you're ready for failure, then you're ready for growth, and so fail stands for first attempt. In learning. End is not the end, it means effort never dies, and if you get no as the answer, it just means next opportunity.

Speaker 5:

And sometimes we just have to redefine our definition of success. I love that.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh, so many gems, so that is like awesome. I feel like that like means like and and Corey, you're part of my Canva community.

Speaker 3:

You need to create something for Trendable. That's like an amazing I mean, it's hard, it's hard to like. That needs to be on an image. I'll make it into Canva yeah, you need to make it in Canva and then I'll put in the colors because you know, I like that part that is so profound and so meaningful. Oh my God, all right. What's the next one? So Like and and so meaningful oh my God, all right. What's the next one?

Speaker 5:

So lesson number four is not everything is fixable and that sometimes life just sucks it. Sometimes, honestly, it does, and there's nothing to do but coping, and coping is hard work, but sometimes there isn't.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5:

Sometimes we spend so much energy and time trying to fix it when we could be using that time to adapt right um and yeah, or sometimes it just it's hard, you know, and we can't fix it, but all we can do is move forward.

Speaker 3:

I you know what you need to add to. If you do another podcast, which I feel like you're going to do with 5 000 after after hours, or you're going to do with your board and what you're doing, you're going to be speaking. I mean, your story needs to get out there. You have so much to say and so much value in what you say, but what Estella just said, repeat it again, because it was so like how. You just said that. One word, estella, because it's Adapt. Okay, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And really it goes full circle with what you've chosen to do as your profession and like I mean, and what we do with Trendable and Embrace it.

Speaker 3:

And especially with Trendable, because the part, the whole thing, is about adapting. Right, it's my I don't mean to make this about me at all because you're so much more what you do and and you are trendable, like it's you and me as a little team but it is about adapting. It's like, okay, life does sometimes suck and gives you lemons, but like you find workarounds and OTs, like you're going to be the best OT ever. Cause I remember at the beginning of Trendable, I was searching and searching for for disability tools and like I'm like wait, why are there so few? Like there's all these OTs in the world, why aren't they like making stuff? Like there's so much stuff that people could use, you know, and like that's what we do, is we find workarounds for things that we can't do. And like what we do is we find workarounds for things that we can't do and, like now, you are trained as a professional.

Speaker 3:

Oh my goodness, it's the coolest thing ever.

Speaker 5:

No, thank you. Yeah, I know, I can't believe how fast it's all gone by, like it's just crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, so what's number five? So the last one Yep.

Speaker 5:

So, through all of this, I think the most powerful lesson is the importance of grit, which is a term taken from Dr Angela Duckworth's TED Talk, and grit means the passion and perseverance to take on a long term goal. And so, over the course of all these years, I've learned that a singular thing, so like not being able to walk, or a test score or another obstacle, doesn't define our ability to succeed. If I would have let this, you know, define me, I would not have graduated with my master's in OT, I would not have gone to college four hours away. So grit is our willingness to put in the work whether it's in our academics, our extracurricular activities, or, in my case, in our academics, our extracurricular activities, or, in my case, relearning how to walk that ultimately leads to achieving our goals, and I've learned that we grow the most when we face challenges. But it's the grit that really truly defines who we are. Wow.

Speaker 3:

You are so wise.

Speaker 2:

I love that and I think, just for our listeners there, I want to give you credit for tuning into whether this is your first episode or I think we're up to 56 now and learn more from people in the disability community and improve yourself and expand your own perspectives and you know just your own improve your own path and to build that muscle and that grit so that you can be a better advocate for yourself and for others and learn how to adapt better and learn how to find more joy in the now, and so we definitely. You are the queen of grits and we are just so grateful that you came to share some of that wisdom with us, and we will definitely share your Instagram in the show notes for anyone wants to follow you and follow your journey, and we hope to cross paths in the near future with the CMT community. I know we'd love to you know, see if there's any opportunities there for us to work together. I know there's a lot of people that could benefit from OT and someone like you. So thank you.

Speaker 3:

Well, I get to still work with you and see you. So it's not, it's definitely. I love that you still decide. You know, obviously, corey, this is a very flexible job. It's when you feel like doing it and there's no real you know.

Speaker 3:

But what you know, I mean it just ties into everything and I, if I even said it which I don't because a lot, because I'm I haven't said it, which I don't because a lot because I know you do I don't say it enough, but you know, I learned from you every day and thank you to my husband for like, literally like, giving me this epiphany. Well, he had the epiphany. He's like, why are you worried on the podcast? And I talk about you constantly but I don't tell you how much I appreciate you and how much I value the fact that you inspire me every day. When I'm not having a good day, I think, oh my God, what would Corey do? What would Corey say?

Speaker 3:

And I wish everyone, you know, a lot of this is nature and nurture. You know this is a whole nature nurture thing. A lot of us weren't born like with this gene that Corey has, which is part of it is just you know, she was born with this kind of attitude and that's just your demeanor. You're lovely and graceful and kind. Not all of us were born with that, you know. But you can be nurtured, it can be learned.

Speaker 4:

And you are teaching people, corey that's what you're doing.

Speaker 3:

So, we, you know, before we do our ending, that we add you with everyone you know I. I'm curious what would you say to someone who isn't born with that, like you know, kindness in and that that sweet cause you know, your doctor, that you have is so fabulous? I don't know if you, they, he or she would have been as fabulous If your attitude was like a lot of people's would be when they're going through what you've been through. I mean, you receive things. You've always you respond to me in the nicest way when you're going through a lot. So what would you say to someone who doesn't have the grit?

Speaker 5:

naturally A few things. So I think one of the things is being vulnerable, because I think when we open up it, really it doesn't only help us, but it also helps, you know, the person who we're talking to. It can help us both. But I think showing our vulnerability isn't a weakness, it can turn into a strength because, like I said, we all need to let it out. So, hiding it and it really affects us, but I think opening up is a really big part of it. Um, that's something I've been trying to do more, because I used to really honestly be closed off and just kind of hide my feelings about everything. But I've been trying to be more vulnerable just because I think it can become a strength, um, in helping others and, I think, trying to shift our perspective, which I think I did a post about this a little while ago.

Speaker 5:

When we shift our perspective, it really comes in the choices we make and how we decide to move forward or move Really. You know we can take any direction that we want to go. So really, an emphasis on that move, despite the circumstances we are facing and we don't know it, but deciding to move in a different direction may just take us farther in life than moving in a different direction, and so my journey has been anything but easy. It's been really difficult, even with the surgery two weeks ago it's been really difficult, but I've really had an immense amount of opportunities because of what I've gone through and just all the people I've gotten to meet and because of the movement I have chosen to go, meaning moving forward. So, I really think, shifting our perspective. Even like when I was in the hospital not being the OT, but I was training to be the OT I was like you know, I'm not behind. In fact, I'm anything but behind, because I'm learning how to do all this stuff that I'm going to be teaching my patients how to do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you kind of like behind the scenes of the whole operation, right, right, literally.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, it yeah. So I tried to shift my perspective, because those are some really hard times too, but just trying to shift your perspectives can make a huge difference.

Speaker 2:

And you're definitely shifting our perspectives and, I'm sure, many of our listeners who've been here. We like to end our podcast with a question, and that question is what does embrace it mean to you? I think embracing.

Speaker 5:

It is choosing to move forward despite what you're going through and, like it says, embracing what's in front of you. You know you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, let alone we don't know what's going to happen within the next hour. But taking it hour by hour, not letting anything stopping you from doing it, even if there are obstacles in the way there's always, there's always a way over, under, through the obstacle.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh um insert plug for trendable t-shirts, perfectly imperfect, or when you can't go right, go left, just go to wwwpatreoncom. Corey, what do I pay you for?

Speaker 2:

but wait there's, but wait, there's more if you order now.

Speaker 3:

Corey, you are just a joy for real thank you for having me like. I'm so glad Estella got to see and hear you and like get to know you because and of course, our listeners but you're just unreal and I'm grateful to know you. So thank you, corey.

Speaker 5:

Thank you everyone for listening.

Speaker 3:

Bye, estella, in New York city, where you say it's warm, but it's not really that warm. Bye everyone.

Speaker 2:

Bye, thanks everyone. Thank you so much. Hey Embracers, thank you so much for listening and supporting the Embrace it podcast brought to you by Launchpad 516 Studios executive, produced by George Andriopoulos and hosted by Laini Ishbia and Estella Lugo. Our music and sound effects are licensed through Epidemic Sound Embrace. It is hosted with Buzzsprout.

Speaker 3:

Do you have a disability-related topic you'd love for us to feature, or could someone you know be a fabulous guest on our show? We would love to hear your comments and feature them on our next podcast. So leave us a voicemail or you can even send us a text to 631-517-0066.

Speaker 2:

Make sure to subscribe to this feed wherever podcasts are available and leave us a five-star review on Apple Podcasts while you're at it. Follow us at embraceit underscore podcast on Instagram and make sure to follow all the great podcasts produced by Launchpad 516 Studios.

Speaker 3:

We hope you join us next time and continue to embrace it.